“The teaching method applied by Rich was fantastic. His knowledge of all topics was exemplarily. No question was too hard and he openly answered all asked of him. It has been many years since I enjoyed both the course AND the instructor.” Client Testimonial
Practical, realistic, effective
Our programs result from a synthesis of many concepts, including what is useful and excluding what is not. The principles are commonly utilised by agencies worldwide. Why? Because they work! An important feature of the design process is that we are able to customise each program to suit specific operational requirements.
Our programs are designed around 3 specific criteria:
Effective - strategies that actually work on the job, not just in the ideal training setting
Defensible - strategies that comply with lawful and operational parameters to withstand legal scrutiny
Administrative - program can be monitored and evaluated by modern agencies
Content is presented in 3 phases:
Knowledge - analysis of operational theory, parameters and principles
Skills - simple and effective practical strategies for rapid skill acquisition
Simulation - application of knowledge and skills under simulated operational stress
We promote tactical blueprints, natural responses based on principle-based learning, rather than the traditional technique-based style of teaching defensive tactics, where participants learn techniques by rote. Participants are presented with generic solutions based on sound biomechanical and tactical concepts, and are encouraged to adapt the concepts to suit their own personal capability, not just copy the instructor.
We focus on the application of principles, which are easier to train and apply for operational personnel. Effective control of violence involves the understanding and application of these principles, which can be divided into 2 basic categories:
Bio Principles - 'internal' factors related to human physiology and psychology
Tactical Principles - 'external' factors related to environment and situational awareness
Operational safety is a serious matter. We are not in the practice of resting on our laurels. We know what we teach works, and we constantly research and update. If we access improved methods and strategies then we test them and adopt them. We aim to safeguard operational personnel by setting standards, not just following trends!
There are 3 aspects integral to operational responses:
Want do - a perception of how they will respond to violence, influenced by media, stylised training methodology and lack of realistic experience
Must do - specific operational parameters such as departmental policies, job role mandates, etc, that forms the baseline for all programs
Will do - an actual response to real violence, based on factors such as training, experience, and the ability to operate under stress
Our programs combine what must be done with what actually will be done under the stress of an actual confrontation. The skills required to control violent situations are perishable. The technical aspects of our programs are based on gross motor function, which offer important advantages of reduced training time, high retention and are more forgiving under stress.
We acknowledge the 90% rule, which states that ‘techniques are designed to work 90% of the time in 90% of operational situations. However, nothing works 100% of the time. Personnel should not discard a good technique because of an exceptional case in which a procedure does not work’. Using the principle of saturation training, participants practice skills until they are not only competent in them…they understand them…and can then adapt them to suit their own personal capabilities.
Proficiency and confidence is a product of realistic, appropriate and regular training. Our strategies are designed to work for the average person with average fitness and experience, in full duty uniform with duty gear and under realistic conditions. Train as you work and work as you train. The only substitute for reality is total realism.